Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Deal

 Choosing girl to be your pictorial partner for your project is just so annoying." Can you be my partner for the pictorial?" I laughed. My Best friends have chosen their "CRUSH PARTNERS" and mine don't. One time, my cousin was asking for some help to me. She ask me to draw a picture about her life for the next 10 years. I was thinking for the reward. Then I remember that I don't have my partner. " As my reward, you will be my partner in my pictorial" I said it in a joke way. " Yes yes yes yes. I will if you will color it too." She response. "Deal." And my problem was done.

*PS: I'll just look for the picture. I'll post it later.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Game of Fun and Teamwork

This game was one of the most Enjoyable I've ever played. The team's strength and strategy was your the key in order to win. It does give fun to the players and viewers It gives a lot of  Lessons to us on how to manage yourself and your team. In order to win your team should have this: 


Catching the Dragon's Tail is the game we played in our school. It was so much fun that we just all laugh even if someone was accidentally thrown away, bumped each others head, or hurted with the other players. I give a lot of credits to our Teacher Sir Johnny Baniton for suggesting this game. It gives me a lot ideas of being a team chasing our win.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Fight for the Future

Sometimes you think that school is just a waste of time. Doing homeworks, projects, activities. It's like you're bored about it. Sometimes you want to get expelled and leave that school. You can ask yourself " What's good about going to school? I can even get what I want!" But that's wrong. How did your parents become a government employee without education? How can your teacher become teacher? How can the doctor become doctor? It all went to the process I called schooling. 

I've seen many students like me who doesn't care about their grades. They only care about their money,friends,happiness. I always ask my self " Is there Future going to be Fine?" I've fight once because of it. Arguing with them why they waste their time in unecessary thing instead of going to school. I always pity those poor children in the street who wants to go to school to achieve their dreams. That's why I always try to do my best to achieve my goal even though sometimes I always fall down. Just fight for your future and you will succeed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A letter to the Readers

Dear Fellow Readers,

                                  Hello everyone! I am Jeremiah Clyde Colnog and this is my first time to share my personal life, my activities using Blogs. I am getting exited to do this because I feel like I have my Freedom to express what I want to. Well, I'm 16 years old and it was kinda fun doing this thing. Anyways, this simple website I have will talk about many things. Problems, Fun, Activities in my life, and so on and so fort. You can also suggest Topics that I will be going to Blog. For short this would be like Me and Readers blogging site.

                                Guys, I hope you read this and I'm getting started. Thank you my Friends...