Monday, August 6, 2018

Fight for the Future

Sometimes you think that school is just a waste of time. Doing homeworks, projects, activities. It's like you're bored about it. Sometimes you want to get expelled and leave that school. You can ask yourself " What's good about going to school? I can even get what I want!" But that's wrong. How did your parents become a government employee without education? How can your teacher become teacher? How can the doctor become doctor? It all went to the process I called schooling. 

I've seen many students like me who doesn't care about their grades. They only care about their money,friends,happiness. I always ask my self " Is there Future going to be Fine?" I've fight once because of it. Arguing with them why they waste their time in unecessary thing instead of going to school. I always pity those poor children in the street who wants to go to school to achieve their dreams. That's why I always try to do my best to achieve my goal even though sometimes I always fall down. Just fight for your future and you will succeed.

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